We just discovered this unique tune “A Place Called Home” by an Irish Indie Folk band called Telescope For The Blind. The minute we heard this song we fall in love with it and we couldn’t get it out of our heads! This song is a masterpiece and you will get stuck humming and singing it long after it’s over. The vocals are incredibly catchy and the Irish vibes are so beautiful. The production is solid and there is an amazing level of songwriting that shines up through this record. The lyrics and the melodies of this song mesh together perfectly. This song was an amazing experience for us and we can’t wait to get more tunes from this professional and skilled band.


Telescope For The Blind is an Irish Indie Folk band. The party started when the band met on shaky ground on a tour of Ireland. As we are all standing on shaky ground and as life is messed up, the band wants to create moments of intimacy. Because the only thing we have is each other and the present.

Telescope For The Blind consist of musicians from Ireland, Denmark and Germany. They have toured all around Denmark, amongst others supporting Danish rock legends D-A-D, The Sandmen and GoGoBerlin. They have also played venues and festivals in Germany and The Netherlands and their songs have been in rotation on international radio stations.

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